Monday, January 10, 2011

Complete Narcissistic Bullshit

It occurred to me last night while chatting with my amazing Wakefield twin, otherwise known as Lizz, otherwise known as Tizz, that I have my moments of being pretty damn funny.

She thought it was completely absurd that I didn't fully comprehend my own cleverness up until last night. Which, don't get me wrong, I've never thought of myself to be a square or a bore, but I'm humble when it comes to these things. I feel like not just anyone has the gift of being witty and have the ability to entertain is powerful! We decided to delve into the matter.

We went on a hunt for various things I had said via old twitter posts, gchat conversations, livejournal entries, etc., and once all these stories/one liners were compiled in one place, I got to relive all those shiny moments of happiness & hilarity from the past few years.

Suddenly, all humbleness left my being, and what replaced it was a surge of puffed up pride in my very own unique and clever personality.

I am, in fact, funny! I felt like this is something I should start keeping track of! I liked the idea of having a place to go with a collection of shiny happy/hilarious moments!

Here are a couple of examples of the one liners we rediscovered from conversations past:

"At first I felt sad, but now I just feel mad. And now...I feel like Dr. Seuss."

"It's like German propaganda...if you say it enough and hear it enough, it's true."

I'm not exactly sure what I was talking about which made either of those two statements come about. But here is my chance to share my funny stories and moments right after they happen.

And voila! This blog was born.

I don't foresee this as being a place to solely spout my personal cleverness at all times, but somewhere to also jot down anything noteworthy I see throughout my day that adds to making this place we call earth more jovial!

Hooray for feel good blogs! Hooray for seeking out the funny in the every day!!

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